Ilfracombe Aquarium

Pier Cafe & Gift Shop opening 12th April | Exhibits hoping 17th May

Beach Clean

The Ilfracombe Aquarium takes an active supporting role in Ilfracombe beach cleans. W/s Mon 18th April 2016 and running for 2 weeks; a programme of beach cleans coordinated by One Ilfracombe and supported by local police and fire service has involved Ilfracombe Junior School Year 5. To date it has been a resounding success with enthusiastic children clearing Wildersmouth and Ilfracombe Harbour beach of marine litter as well as learning about the significance of their role and the improtance of protecting our precious beach ,coastline and marine environments. Pic. shows Lawrence from the Aquarium providing marine information to eager Class 5WS budding marine conservationists!
Ilf. Junior School Class 5WS Harbour Beach 1 200416
Ilf. Junior School Class 5WS Harbour Beach 200416